Team Effectiveness Coaching & Training

Stop managing drama. Cometa Coaching’s hands-on training
resets individuals into a cohesive team.

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Recalibrate Group Dynamics with Cometa’s Team Effectiveness Coaching and Training

  Transform your employees from individuals who work next to each other to a team that works together.

My Team Effectiveness Coaching and Training creates systematic changes that recalibrate the dynamics within a group. This is an intervention that cuts through the drama and aligns attitudes, mindset and objectives. Your people will come away from this training having earned the trust of their peers and a common team identity that helps them focus on shared goals.

No pre-recorded videos. No xeroxed packets. Cometa’s Team Effectiveness Coaching and Training is experiential and customized to your organization.

How it Works

1. First-Hand Analysis

Field observation and one-on-one conversations with the team leader, the sponsor and/or key team members to paint the picture of the issues at play. Based on the needs, I also use the DISC team assessment to identify the team’s strengths, development areas, and its training and development needs.

2. Customized Approach

I develop a program customized to your group’s specific needs and goals.

3. Consistency & Commitment

The program continues until real results are felt among team members and managers. It usually ends with a final workshop with the sponsor and the team to discuss the team coaching results and identify actions to sustain positive behaviors over time.

Team Effectiveness
Coaching & Training Process

The International Coach Federation (ICF) defines team coaching as a co-creative and reflective process with a team and its dynamics and relationships. The goal of team coaching is to inspire the team to maximize their abilities and potential in order to reach their common purpose and shared goals.

Cometa Coaching’s Team Effectiveness Coaching and Training process follows a series of sequential steps that work towards constructing a successful team.

1. Discovery Call
In this initial conversation, I meet with the business leaders to learn about the performance and team issues they’re trying to resolve.

  • I learn about the goals and needs of the organization, expectations of their team members, and what they believe the issues are.
  • We discuss the reasons why you’ve sought the help of a professional coach and what you’re hoping to gain from the process. 
  • We discuss how they’ve tried to address issues previously and consider why they’ve been unsuccessful. 
  • I challenge the leader to define a goal and scope for the process. 
  • If at the end of the call you want to move forward, you will be given a contract that outlines the scope of Cometa’s services and what you will get with my Team Effectiveness Coaching and Training Program.
2. First Session: Field Observation

In this session, I collect relevant data about their behaviors and dynamics and meet to discuss pain points. Through interviews, field observation, and assessment tools:

  • I look at their performance, commitment, and individual accountability.
  • I observe how the team members communicate, interact, and engage with each other.
  • I note their work responsibilities and their role in accomplishing tasks.

The outcome is to design an intense, developed solution addressing the predetermined issues or any I notice in the field observation.

3. Coaching Sessions

These sessions are a combination of team coaching sessions and individual coaching sessions.

1. Team coaching sessions are customized to the organization and their employee’s needs. Team coaching sessions can be designed as:

▹  In-Person Workshops: Teamwork training created with your team’s people and goals in mind.

▹  Experiential Learning Workshops: A workshop where the team engages in an activity together that is outside of work. Experiential activity options include:

  • Pasta making
  • Sailing or boating
  • Hiking; Orienteering
  • Treasure-hunting
  • Murder-mystery dinner

▹  A combination of the In-Person and Experiential Learning Workshops
By removing team members from their routines, they are given a chance to reset, get to know each other in different contexts and roles, and view teamwork from a new perspective.

Each workshop is followed-up with a debrief, where we examine the value each team member can take away from the experience.

2. Individual coaching sessions are customized for members within the team who need help trusting others or want to develop their collaboration skills. Individual sessions can also help those in leadership positions who need help with delegation or motivating their team.

4. Final Session

Everything comes together in the final session where we discuss the coaching experience, the lessons learned, and the progress that has been made. The team comes away from this last session with actionable strategies they know work for them to help them be better collaborators, better communicators, and partners in a common goal.

Who uses this Program?

Business Owners

Senior and Middle-level Managers

Human Resources and DEI Professionals

Cometa Coaching creates systematic changes by recalibrating a group of individuals into a cohesive team.

Benefits of Cometa’s Team Effectiveness Coaching & Training


Coaches members of your team to work toward a common goal,
helping to increase the output of their work.


Creates a team identity that establishes camaraderie and trust, boosting morale.


Shows the team various strategies to efficiently achieve short-term and long-term goals.


Teaches the team how to prepare, equip, and support each other when taking on changes within their team or organization.


Provides easily applicable strategies to communicate clearly and effectively.


Establishes a safe working environment for your team to contribute, ask questions, take risks, and generate new ideas comfortably.


Teach team members how to develop empathy for each other, recognize others’ emotions and appropriately respond.


Reduces gossip and infighting by improving collaboration, resulting in a more collegial and positive work environment.

“The perfect solution to generate new positive behaviors…”

A neutral environment and engaging teamwork activity was the perfect solution to generate new positive behaviors. Additionally, it improved relationships and fostered a strong sense of belonging among my team members.

Martin B. – VP Technology Department

Do you want to be the problem,
or the solution?

Rarely is anyone the “problem.” Cometa Coaching will provide an unbiased analysis of your team’s inner-workings and recalibrate for smooth operation.

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Team Effectiveness Coaching & Training?

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